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How To Manifest Your Goals: Manifesting With Subconscious Support

Light a candle to focus. Manifest your goals
Manifesting formula in a nutshell

Real-Life Guide to Manifesting Your Goals


Manifesting With Subconscious Support Is A Powerful Method To Go After Your Dreams

Welcome! We're going to manifest from the subconscious You've come to the right place if you've ever

  • tossed a copy of 'the Secret' back into the pile because it seemd...naff?

  • wondered what the best manifestation method is?

  • wondered whether negative thoughts throw a spammer in your manifestations? 

  • felt that your manifestations could be even better with less dreaming and more doing?

  • thought that the law of attraction is awesome, but knew that it's only one of 12 universal law at play 


Today, you're going to get a simple equation that clarifies the basic conditions needed for any successful manifestation. Then I'll show you the 8 steps to manifest your dream business or any other life, personal, professional goal.


How Do You Make Your Dream A Reality? 



If you have these four in place you're going to be unstoppable. Do you have them all covered? Check in and see where you might be letting your manifestations down. 

  • You're not manifesting with subconscious support

  • Maybe you're pushing too hard, let go of the need for certainty and know that this or somethingbetter will come to you if you take consistent action

  • Maybe you have a clear purpose but lack the belief or confidence that you can do it.

  • Or you have buckets of confidence but haven't set an intention where to direct your confidence.

  • Or you have the intention but perfectionism gets you hung up on the action bit.

  • All four factors are needed in balance to create a successful manifestation for you.

  • In short, if you want to manifest a successful business you'll need to get out of your comfort zone


  1. INTENTION. Be 100% Clear. What Is It You Want To Manifest? 


Be clear on what the dream looks like for you. Schedule some time to get clear on this vision.

Maybe your vision has been buried under other people's expectations. Some digging might be needed and boundaries may need to be put in place.

Or you need to refocus your vision as you've become distracted along the way. Set aside a minute every day to check in whether you're still on track.

Or you can simply stop and ask yourself: 'Is this in line with my vision?' when you make an impulsive decision. This will ensure that you manifest your purpose and vision.


  1. BELIEF. Do You Believe You Can Achieve Your Goals? 


You’ll need unshakeable self-belief in your ability to create your dream life. Making your dreams a reality feels pretty out there, doesn't it? According to jobsage over half of Americans (53%) think their dreams aren't realistic. 

Is it helpful to to be in that 53% if you want to reach for your dream life? Learning how to manifest your dream life is a powerful skill that can help you create the life you’ve always wanted.

Sure, you can’t buy BELIEF, or confidence, it’s something you gotta switch on or develop. For some this is easy and for others it’s harder to flip that switch. Their subconscious mind might need reassurance. This means you want to be manifesting with subconscious support. 

  1. ACTION. Are You In The Game? 

Finally, to make your dream happen you need motivation to take inspired action every day. If you aren’t manifesting your heart’s desire you might not be taking the right action – consistently.

You can get the steps at the click of a button, but most people aren't taking them. Why? They're overwhelmed, don't know where to start and feel blocked.

No need to break into a sweat. Stay close and I’ll show you how action can be effortless and inspired. Small, realistic steps every day are easiest to maintain, create momentum and a powerful stacking effect.


  1. RELEASE. Are You Chasing, Forcing, Pushing? 

Are you in dogged pursuit of a goal that you can't seem to reach? You're feeling bitter and exhausted and like you never make it?

Try and take a step back and let the good stuff come to you. Know that "This or Something Better" will come to you if you remain open. Surrender your manifestation. Receive

MAGIC. Get Manifesting!

As a certified and licensed cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist I’m not going to hypnotise business owners into manifesting shedloads of cash!

What I WILL do is show you how to apply a hands-on approach to manifesting without superstition. Even though I love a good money candle, we’re not going to rely simply on rituals to manifest for us. And even though we’re going to pay attention to signs we’re not going to make those the centrepiece either. there's no superstition and no forcing.

We’re going to focus on your purpose, your confidence and on getting more of the right action done every day. I want you to get the down-to-earth mindset that will lead you to the results you desire. You in?




  • Get Clear On What You Want To Achieve 

    You want to create a vision that lights you up and that you feel excited working towards. Visualise your goal in detail. Create a vision board. Put pen to paper and start making it real. Write, sketch, draw, script it out.

    If you're a specific manifestor then you'll want to go into every detail, if you're a non-specific manifestor you'll hang on to your big vision, giving the universe more space to bring this or something better into your life. The great news is that there’s no right or wrong here as long as you get clear on the goal. A big TIP: include the reasons why you want this vision. They are going to fire you up.


  • Notice Any Resistance 

    Now that you’ve clarified and declared your vision, internal resistance might crop up. This resistance often shows up as fear and doubt. It's normal. We want to reduce the thoughts and feelings that hold you back. You want to access your subconscious for manifestation.

    And this is how: identify each of these thoughts or feelings, each limiting belief. Write them out. Now replace them with supportive stories to tell yourself instead. Literally replace and counter each and every one of them. Clear your fears. Release the limiting beliefs. Once you've done that you can look at your vision again and see if you can make it even bigger!


  • Release Envy 

    When we go after our dream business and life we can get into comparison and judgement. We see what others have and want it as well. This is a toxic state to be in so we want to turn our feelings of envy into something productive. Whenever you see someone doing what you want to do be happy for them instead of judging, literally open your heart, congratulate them and release that nagging feeling. If they've done it that means you can do it too. Trust that there’s more than enough to go around.

    For example, just because your competitor has a 100 clients it doesn’t mean there’s no clients left for you! Whenever you notice feeling inadequate use this to drive you on. Cultivate a fun, competitive mindset, like a fun sports-match with your mates.


  • Make A Plan 

    Take your vision and reverse-engineer it back to today. Create milestones you want to reach on the way. Make it achievable and actionable – and realistic. There's nothing worse than setting the bar too high for yourself and then continuously not hitting the milestone.

    When making the plan also identify what could stop you from taking a step. Being aware of potential obstacles makes you more likely to overcome them. This is even more effective if you work through these with hypnotherapy for example. Having a dry run through a potential obstacle improves resilience and ability to stay the course even if things get tough. Being aware of say your tendency to procrastinate won't attract procrastination into your life. It will help you come up with an action plan on how to eliminate procrastination.


  • Get Into Inspired Action 

    So you've set short-term and long-term goals for yourself. Now you stick to the plan you created. Take action on your goals. This is a crucial step in manifesting your goals. Seize any chance to take action and make progress. Try to be as consistent as possible, even the tiniest step creates momentum.

    Have you fallen off the horse one day? Get back on it the next day. Don't let slip or derail. The universal law of action is about keeping moving, even in the tiniest steps into the direction you have chosen. And the law of cause and effect ensures your progress. As every action you take has a reaction and will cause change in your life.


  • Honour Your Progress 

    Celebrate. Kick back and celebrate even the small wins. Slow down for a moment and high-five everyone around you. Acknowledge your achievements. Pause and reflect. This is the easiest step to skip.

    Often we achieve a goal and don't even blink. We're already chasing after the next milestone. Don't let this be you. You can put your foot on the pedal again after your celebration. Your celebration can be a big party or a small moment sitting back and congratulating yourself on the thing you did.


  • Step Into The Version Of Yourself That Makes It Happen

    How to use visualisation for goal setting? Make your desired mental picture as real as possible. Don't just think it, BECOME it. Deep down, you know who you need to BE to achieve your manifestation. Step into your best self, embody the version of yourself who is ALREADY living the reality that you want.

    Act like this persona, take on her values, behaviours, think her thoughts. Fully immerse yourself in that best version of yourself and you’ll propel yourself towards fulfilling that dream. For example if you want to create a 6-figure business? Start acting like the CEO you know you need to become. 


  • Raise Your Vibration: Practise Trust, Gratitude, Joy

    Finally, stay positive and open to the possibilities.Your thoughts shape your reality. Get into a positive mindset and attract the right opportunities for you. Look around you and know that this or something better is manifesting for you. Trust the process and stay focused on your vision and be open to the outcome. Believe in yourself and your dreams, be willing to take risks and get uncomfortable. Take the time to really understand your goals, take action, and stay positive. With enough focus and dedication, you can make your dreams a reality.​

  • Release attachment and trust the process

    All that's left to do for you is follow the path that’s unfolding in front of you. There's no need to push into a specific direction. Let yourself be pulled. Trust that the universe is at work to create ‘this or something better’ for you. There's no need to sweat. Simply follow the daily steps for manifesting abundance outlined in this post.


Wanna reach your goals? Put this into practice!

Take 5 minutes and grab pen and paper and scribble out ONE of your goals! Get specific, get real and make it bigger. This is your destination.

Find time in the morning to focus on this goal. Even for a minute. Let it guide you to manifesting your dream life.

Strengthen your resolve with hypnotherapy for goal achievement, feel free to speak to me about this in a free clarity call.


With love,




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