

Unlocking Your Potential: The Combined Power of Action Bias And Hypnotherapy

Woman in workout gear at sunset overlooking a valley with a skyline on the horizon. LA vibes

Magic Happens When You Put Intention, Belief, And Action Together

Release your attachment to the outcome and you've got a powerful manifestation formula.

But what if you're just looking to get things done and muddle through? This article will help you nail the formula to make more progress with less effort every day without feeling overwhelmed.

Let's talk about a game-changing combination you need to know if you want to grow and improve. It's a solid belief PLUS action steps every day that get you there.

Now, you might be wondering, 'Hey, what’s the magic here?' Let me break it down for you.

What is Action Bias?

Action bias, commonly known as the 'go-get it girl' spirit, is the psychological tendency to prefer action over inaction. It's about taking bold steps and making things happen, even when the full plan isn't clear. Those with an action bias are restless, active, self-motivated, and ambitious. This trait is common among people who always seek to move forward.

You know you have an action bias if you move the furniture around at midnight because you saw a great room layoput on the anthropology website and want to see if you can recreate it at home RIGHT NOW.

Before diving into the benefits of combining action with hypnotherapy, let's define action bias. It's the inclination to choose action over inaction, especially when taking action leads to a more favourable outcome or when inaction could result in a negative consequence.

Understanding this proactive approach is crucial for harnessing its power in conjunction with hypnotherapy for personal growth and positive change.


What is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy's Role in Personal Growth

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility. During hypnosis, individuals can access deeper parts of their subconscious mind. This makes it an effective tool for exploring the underlying thoughts, beliefs, and patterns that may limit personal growth.

How Hypnotherapy Helps You Change

• Hypnotherapy allows individuals to delve into the subconscious mind, where many of our automatic behaviours and thought patterns reside.
• By accessing this level of the mind, hypnotherapy can reprogram negative beliefs and behaviours, replacing them with positive ones.
• It provides a safe space for emotional processing, which can be essential for healing and moving forward.
• Through hypnotherapy, individuals gain greater self-awareness, which is crucial for personal development and conscious choices.

The Science Behind Hypnotherapy

Research has shown that hypnotherapy can be an effective tool for a variety of issues, including stress reduction, pain management, and habit change. Its ability to influence the subconscious mind is backed by studies that demonstrate changes in brain activity during hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy dives deep into your subconscious, reprogramming those limiting beliefs and unlocking your true potential. It's designed to improve your

  • Thinking (overhwelm, ruminating, spinning out, etc),
  • Emotions (e.g. anger, shame, grief, etc)
  • Physical sensations (e.g. pain, cravings, etc).

These three variables influence your actions. So if you feel calm you're more likely to speak calmly. Changing your thinking, emotions, and sensations changes you from the inside out.

But have you thought about the other way around? Changing from the outside in. We do this every time we pushourselves to clean and tidy the house even though we're feeling rough. And drumroll.....the result? We feel better.

So whichever way the change is made first, you'll see an impact throughout the system. Hypnotherapy can create more permanent change in us as it tackles the roots of the issue and not just the surface behaviour.

Personally I recommend a two-pronged approach: taking powerful actions fuelled by clear, focused intention and working on your subconscious beliefs during hypnotherapy sessions.

Let's dive into how this combo of habit change and belief change can create massive, lasting change in your life. Get ready to wield the power of action and the magic of your mind to lead with confidence, authenticity, and unstoppable energy.

The Benefits of Action Bias


Action bias is associated with a number of advantages that can be crucial in self-improvement:

• Proactivity: People with a strong action bias tend to take the initiative and are often more proactive in addressing challenges or pursuing opportunities.
• Momentum: Taking action creates momentum, making it easier to progress toward your goals.
• Learning: Even when actions don't lead to the desired outcome, they provide valuable learning experiences that can inform future decisions and strategies.
• Confidence: Successfully taking action and observing positive results can boost self-confidence, encouraging further action.

When Action Meets Focus And Introspection

While action bias emphasises the importance of taking steps towards a goal, it's also critical to ensure that these actions are guided by introspection and a deep understanding of one's motivations and desires. This is where hypnotherapy comes into play.

The Winning Combination: Action Bias Plus Hypnotherapy

Now that we've seen the individual strengths of taking the right action and hypnotherapy, let's see how they can work together.


Bridging Insight And Action

With hypnotherapy, you get insight and mental shifts, and with action, you get concrete steps and real-world progress.


Creating Lasting Change

The combination of both approaches can lead to more sustainable changes. Hypnotherapy works on the internal level to change automatic subconscious patterns, and action drives the external behaviours that strengthen these changes.


Overcoming Obstacles

Together, they can help individuals overcome obstacles that could have sent them into procrastination. Hypnotherapy can addresses mental blocks, and action bias provides the push to move past them.


Building Resilience

This duo also builds resilience. Self-awareness gained through hypnotherapy can give a better understanding of one's reactions to setbacks, while action bias encourages a quick rebound and the persistence to keep going.


Implementing the Combination in Your Life

Integrating action bias and hypnotherapy into your life involves a few practical steps:


Seek Professional Support

Engage with a qualified hypnotherapist who understands the importance of action-oriented therapy and can tailor sessions to your personal goals.


Set Clear Intentions

Before beginning hypnotherapy, clearly define what you wish to achieve. This clarity will guide the therapeutic process and inform the actions you'll take throguhout.


Follow Up With Action

After each hypnotherapy session, identify actionable steps you can take to reinforce the work done during the session. This could be as simple as journaling or challenging a small fear or starting a new project.


Monitor And Adjust

Track your progress and stay flexible. As you grow and evolve, your actions and hypnotherapy focus may need to adjust to reflect your new insights and goals.


What Does The Combination Of Action and Hypnotherapy Look Like

I often work with people who want to boost their public speaking skills. Through hypnotherapy, she addresses her subconscious fear of judgment and develops a new, empowering belief in her abilities. She then takes action, seeking out public speaking opportunities and practising her new confidence with each one.

Lasting Change On All Levels

Using action bias and hypnotherapy together is a holistic way of helping people grow and change. By addressing the

  1. mental, emotional, physical aspects through hypnosis
  2. and the behavioural aspects through a solid plan of easy or simple steps,

there will be a massive change in no time. Unlocking one's full potential is easier and more effective like this.

Remember, the journey of self-improvement is ongoing, and integrating dynamic strategies like action bias and hypnotherapy can provide the momentum and direction needed for a fulfilling path to personal success.


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