Ultimate Guide On How To Write The Best Affirmations

a tray with flowers, rose quartz, coffee cup and a positive affirmation note

17 Steps For Writing Positive Affirmations


A successful manifestation follows this equation: Intention + Belief + Action = Magic

You wanna be clear on what you want to achieve, remove negative thoughts and install new, positive beliefs into your mind. Those will get you into action and steer you in the right direction. 

Read on to learn how to write out your affirmations so that they seep into your mind in the most efficient way.

Effective Affirmations Follow These Specific Principles:
1 – Affirmations Only Work If You Believe In Their Power


The best affirmation is one you believe in. They have to be phrased in a way that’s acceptable and believable for you. Compare for example ‘I am a 7-figure CEO’ versus ‘My business has limitless potential’.  Which one sits better with you? â€¨â€¨Choose the one you can believe in.

If an affirmation seems unattainable to you, doubt and even cynicism will show up, making your mantra ineffective. You might even start sabotaging your intention.

So if you doubt your own affirmation, rephrase it into something you can believe in. Feel free to ditch any affirmation that doesn't resonate with you. Find a different one you can vouch for. They don’t all need to be about massive dream goals. It’s okay to start small and and grow with them.



2 – You Can Modify Your Affirmations As You Evolve 


If you notice that you really don’t believe in an affirmation you can say it in a less certain language. 

It’s okay to start off by saying: ‘I am working towards feeling enough’.

Once you feel this is true you can upgrade to: ‘I am starting to understand that I am enough’,.

Finally, the most ideal way of reassuring your subconscious: ‘I am enough’.



3 – Write Your Affirmations In The Present Tense: As If Now


The way we want to phrase the affirmation is as if it's real and happening now. For instance ‘I am abundant’, ‘my business is limitless’. The present moment is in our control and it’s where we can make changes. â€¨â€¨

Phrasing suggestions in the future tense can separate us from our affirmation. For example: 'I'm going to be abundant'. When is that going to be? Next week? Next year? Future tense places the affirmation out of reach. This will prevent you from taking it as fact and may even invite thoughts of failure! When you say ‘I am working towards a 5-figure launch’ you're not 100% certain of a positive outcome.


As if now suggestions trick the brain into accepting the goal as already achieved. They state what is now, not what could be. They use language deliberately.

'You are now relaxed’ vs ‘Imagine you are becoming relaxed’.



4 – Use Positive Words 


Our mind tends to take things literally. When you say ‘I am not scared of public speaking’ your brain flags up two concepts: SCARED + PUBLIC SPEAKING.

The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis emphasises the importance of using positive words in your suggestions in their publication Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors. 

So in order to plant the right ideas into your imagination you may have to turn a negative into a positive.

For example: ‘I am not stressed’ vs ‘there’s always time for what’s most important’. â€¨



5 – Phrase Your Affirmation Always Positive?


The rule of using positive words is crucial, so it's wise to stick with that.  â€¨â€¨

But this article wouldn’t be complete without mentioning a study by the University of Houston on the use of self suggestions that use ‘I don’t do___’ vs ‘I can’t ___’. Both are negative suggestions but one of them is very effective and needs to be shared.

So if you’re hellbent on banning yourself from doing something then check out this way of phrasing:

  • 'I can’t procrastinate’ , meaning 'I'm not allowed to procrastinate'


  • ‘I don’t do procrastination'

Which one is more powerful to you?


‘I don’t do ____’ demonstrates strong personal willpower and conviction, doesn't it? Unsurprisingly, it has proven to be more efficient if you want to STOP doing something. â€¨

See if this might work for you. I do use this way of negative phrasing as it does work, but just as a daily quote for my screensaver, I would never use it in a hypnotherapy script.
 For those, I reserve the positive phrasings.



6 – Make Your Affirmations Vivid And Detailed


An affirmation usually becomes more effective when it is vivid and detailed.

Use your senses to engage in the affirmation.

You could use an anchor for example, a real one (an object, or even a scent) or an image in your mind. For example picturing an overflowing well in a lush garden when saying ‘I am abundant’.



7 – Make Your Affirmations Tangible And Actionable


Effective suggestions are detailed, specific, concrete and without ambiguity.

In fact, the most successful suggestions are outcome-oriented, easily doable, and in YOUR hands – not someone else’s: 'I am signing up 5 new clients a day' isn't something you can control. But you are in charge of your own attitudes and actions: 'I make 10 sales calls a day with joy and ease'.



8 – Words And Phrases To Avoid In Your Affirmations


Don’t use ‘wish’ or ‘want’ in your affirmations, for example: 'I wish for a 5-figure launch’.

Wishing implies lack, doubt and not having something.

Likewise, avoid the words ‘should’, ‘would’, ‘could’ as they show that the desired state hasn’t been achieved.

You want to be certain with your language.



9 – Use Your OWN Language!  


Your style and personality are unique to you; and the language you respond to is very individual. Keep this in mind when writing out your mantras. Use the language you respond to and that moves you.

The best affirmations are aligned with your core values, desires, and circumstances. They’re also directly tailored to counteract your limiting beliefs. So discover your limiting beliefs first.

But if you just want to get started today use any these all-rounder affirmations:

‘I am worthy’
‘I am enough’
‘I am grateful’
‘I am abundant’
‘I am strong’
‘I am getting better every day’



10 – How To Make Affirmations Stick 


Consistency and repetition is key. Repeat your affirmations or mantras regularly. There are no hard and fast rules for this, but repeat them as often as it feels good to you. It's all about repetition, either literally or by paraphrasing the concept. 

How do you make sure you remember to repeat your affirmations? You could stack them onto another daily routine, for example repeat them (in your head!) when you brush your teeth. This is great because the process becomes an automatic part of your day this way.



11 – Best Times To Repeat Affirmations 


Affirmations are especially effective at certain times as they can sink in deeper. It's when your subconscious mind is more open and easier to access. This happens when your conscious mind’s guard is lowered, for example during

  • Sleep: right before you fall asleep, when dreaming and when you wake up
  • Meditation: during and right after meditation
  • Hypnosis: during and after hypnosis 



12 – Dial Up The Emotion


Your brain remembers situations more if emotions are involved. This is because your mind reacts to and remembers emotions better than facts. Bringing up an emotion when saying your affirmation will embed it faster into your subconscious. 

Here's a very simple version of how you can dial up emotion: 

  • Get quiet and focus on an emotion you want to feel
  • Imagine you have a big dial in front of you with a scale of 1-10
  • Imagine dialling it up
  • Feel the emotion get stronger
  • Hold the dial
  • Now say your affirmation while you hold the emotion at that level
  • Do this for a couple of minutes every day

This can be challenging at first, but gets easier the more you practice it, promise!



13 – Say It Like You Mean It


If you say mantras out loud make sure you’re matching tone and meaning. Keep in mind that our tone of voice can have a more powerful suggestive effect than words.

As an added bonus, saying it out loud let's you claim the affirmation. 

If you want to step it up then say the affirmation to yourself in front of a mirror. You'd be surprised that most people struggle with this!

Are you cringing yet? Well, there's a next level!

Say it to someone else. Look them in the eye and claim your affirmation. Even imagining can feel really weird. but it's highly effective. This is an actual exercise I practice if my hypnotherapy clients want to do this and it embeds the affirmation almost instantly. You'll feel a real confidence boost after doing that.



14 – Affirmations Work Best If You Are Ready 


Here’s the key question for you. How much do you want it? How much do you want what you’re trying to affirm? You’re in the driver’s seat here and your desire to change ultimately determines how far-reaching your affirmations and mantras will be. 

If you don't feel ready it's best to go back to your intention and get clear on what you want and WHY you want it. Make this compelling.



15 – Use Examples And Case Studies 


Have you got any role models that inspire you? Use their examples and case studies to underline each affirmation. Get yourself the proof that what you want to manifest with your affirmation is true and possible.

If they've done it, then that means you can too. Click this link to read how to do this step by step.



16 – Who Would You Need To Be To Make this Happen?  


You transform when you manage to embody your affirmation. Step into it, become the version of yourself that makes it happen. Every time a decision needs to be made or an action needs to be taken, ask yourself, what would my best self do in this situation? You have all the answers. All you need to do is act on it.



17 – What's The Goal Of Your Affirmation?


Get clear on what you want to change in your life before you get stuck in. Ideally your affirmation is tailored to erase a specific limiting belief or behaviour in your life.

There's 4 main groups of affirmations: changing behaviour, upgrading thoughts, balancing emotions, overcoming pain.

For example:

Affirmations To Change Your Behaviour

  • Stop nail-biting: ‘I put my hand in my pocket if it goes near my mouth’ . Changing behaviour on a muscular level.
  • Boost confidence: ‘My body is relaxed on the stage’, ‘I am standing tall’. Creating a specific feeling by changing your body’s movements and sensations. 
  • Start a new habit: ‘I record my podcast on Wednesdays at 9am’. Reversing procrastination.


Affirmations To Upgrade Your Thoughts

Affirmations can affect your

  • thoughts
  • self-image 
  • attitude

The best affirmations raise your vibration, help you become more resilient and have a happy outlook. 

Affirmations To Balance Your Emotions

Affirmations and mantras can plant new emotions right into your heart. 

Use your senses to experience all aspects of the affirmation: 'I am calm’, ‘I am limitless’


Affirmations For Overcoming Pain

Affirmations can help you be more resilient, take responsibility and overcome pain (physical pain as well as mental pain):

  • Physical pain: at the dentist you could use the following mantra: ‘I relax into this sensation’
  • Overcoming blocks: ‘I can do_____ for 15 minutes’
  • Anxiety: I am responsible on how I spend my time’.



Take Action Now

Grab your journal and write one affirmation using the guidelines above!

Embellish it, frame it, declare it! Share it with me [email protected] 




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