How to take the stress out of niching + get into inspired action

view onto a calm ocean and dreamy pink clouds

Trying to niche is a waste of should let your niche come to you

Ha! Don’t you just love those folks with the killer business instinct? 

“You’re wasting energy on trying to niche”, they huff into their smartphone. "Niche, market, ideal client avatar?’re procrastinating. Just get *out there*…and let your niche find you.”


You were *born* niche / you hammered it out before lunch

Hey ho. Being passive around niching is totally cool if you were born niche or if you’ve hammered out your niche one day before lunch, on a napkin…ugh!

“pfff...just get on with business – the sales will follow””

Your laugh sounds hollow from being stuck in the niching processes; their voice is fading into the hum: “don't overthink it”, it echoes “you don’t need an avatar, you need to SELL that shizzle”


Overthinking & procrastination

Have you ever heard of people who are addicted to learning? They use learning and planning as an excuse to never entering the arena. They work a lot, but they won't take those actions that matter, which is tragic.

But planning *has* a place and if you feel your offer isn't clear and compelling, then you want to spend a couple of days analysing and strategising your niche action. A couple of days a s a one off, not a couple of days a week! This will be a worthwhile use of your time to get you the clarity and momentum you'll need to sell.

The fact you’re reading this tells me you may be unsure about your niche and that you could do with a little bit of guidance and strategy - don’t worry, we niche with maximum effectiveness and there’s no time wasting!


How to get into inspired action and take overwhelm out of niching

This is going to be for you if you feel a bit unsure about your niche, if you're stuck or can't decide, if you're not making the sales you want.

Do not wait until inspiration strikes – you'll be waiting forever

Set yourself a deadline

Stop seeing your niche as a box, or as something impossible to nail

Look at your niche as a Launchpad instead

Mobilise your energy

Analyse, strategise, hammer out your niche

Create a rough version of your niche

Get into the real world and test it 

Listen to your people

Get those offers out

Observe what comes back to you

Shape your niche together with your customers

Make money while you hone it

Is your niche effective?

Do you have to tweak?

Keep your intuition open: action and inspiration

This is how you acquire the killer business instinct – practice the above so that you get experience in the market.


There's a system to it

Stay close if you want the system of action and inspiration we use for nailing your niche

It's intuitive and organised at the same time and I think you'll love it. 

And until then, do join me for a live training, where I'll show you the components of a profitable niche, this is an exclusive FREE training and spaces are filling up fast, so click the link to reserve your seat!


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Momentum & Motivation, Science-backed Methods To Get You Into Inspired Action. 

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