Beat perfectionism, overwhelm, procrastination.

6-week science-backed program to get out of your head and into inspired action every day.

Jump the queue. Be one of the first notified when doors open:


Do you have All The Steps but still don't Do The Thing? 

You might feel blocked. Stuck. Like you've stumbled before you even got started.

Well, consider this your pick me up 🤗

And I also wanted to let you know that you’re not alone. I've helped dozens of coaches, healers and entrepreneurs trapped in the cycle of perfectionism > overwhelm > procrastination.

It's breaking my heart to see because I've been there. It was only a few years ago that I felt too paralysed to show up social media. Instead, I focussed on organising my home and family to avoid marketing my business.

Whilst I was constantly beating myself up for not being further along in life and business. I felt like I wasn't measuring up.

Mostly, I had one foot on the gas and the other one on the brakes. You might be familiar with this. It's exhausting. A recipe for spinning out.

Like you, I have *plans* and there's so much I set out to achieve. But then there was the constant feeling of falling short and a dwindling supply of willpower to keep going despite being "rejected" so many times.

I got so annoyed that I worked out a way to overcome the perfectionist trap. A science-based approach designed to get even the most chronic procrastinator into action.

Why This Program Works

It's split into three complimentary phases. Each phase keys into the next and together all three unlock *fire*.



You might experience perfectionism. Nothing you do feels ever good enough.

You seem to have two modes: ALL IN (wasting all your resources) or FREEZE. Either way, you're putting extreme pressure on your nervous system.

My approach to cure perfectionism is easy and light but still shines a light into your soul to reveal your inner patterns and beliefs.

Week 1: Understand your unconscious motives and triggers for your inability to take consistent action

Week 2: Learn the one mindset that will help you let go of perfectionism.



Tasks seem daunting and monumental. Overwhelm creeps in. Hello, we're human after all.

Did you know that overwhelm is curable? You're going to get the switch that will shut off toxic busy-ness whilst still smashing your fabulous goals 💅#slay

In short: you're about to experience how to conjure up inspired action every day. Yes, you can do this!

Week 3: Dissolve resistance straight at the source dissolving anxiety, stress, overthinking and ruminations.

Week 4: Take away the charge. Learn how to process the emotions we’ve brought up and transmute them into productivity. Yes, you can be on fire.



When perfectionism meets overwhelm you're almost guaranteed to freeze. You literally have no where to turn to and procrastination offers you an easy out.

You'll learn what it is exactly that triggers your procrastination. I'll walk you through the exact process I take with my 1-1 clients. You'll identify your triggers, stories, and procrastination loops.

Also, we're going to boost your resilience and eliminate any tendency to avoid or delay.

You stay motivated even when the going gets tougher and you're facing feelings of failure. I'll show you how you can pick yourself up out of hopelessness to have another go at your task.

Week 5: Analysis of your stuck triggers and learn how you can create your personal action plan

Week 6: Keep this up on the long term, learn how you can embody your Higher Self (the one that gets sh*t done!)



Your New Motto: What would this look like if it was easy?

Imagine your life, if you could...

🌻 Uncover the patterns that are keeping you stuck

☀️ Transform stuck energy into inspired action every day

🌻 Embody your best self every day, effortlessly

☀️ Swing 'Back To School' with momentum knowing that each of your actions adds up to help you achieve your ultimate goal


What You're Getting

🌻 Subconscious Repatterning: As a qualified cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist I offer you the latest advances of hypnotherapy. Get a weekly hypnosis recording to surgically alter your mindset. Yes, you can listen to this by the pool!

☀️ 6 interactive teaching sessions (60-minutes each): Join an exclusive group of 12 live or watch the recordings for personalised guidance and support on your journey.

🌻 Practical Exercises: Designed to rewire your thought patterns and establish new, positive habits. In depth online workbook included.

☀️ Science-Backed Techniques: Learn methods grounded in cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy and in emotion processing, proven effective in just six sessions.

🌻 Ongoing Support: Direct voice app access to me for accountability and personalised advice throughout the program. Open Mon-Fri 9.00 am - 5.00 pm


These methods have transformed the lives of my clients

They have:

☀️ Overcome fears and enjoyed life more fully
☀️ Closed five-figure deals and tripled their business income
☀️ Healed crippling overthinking and anxiety
☀️ Spoken confidently in public settings and shown up as leaders
☀️ Ditched procrastination and achieved their goals

💛 You're about to see the incredible growth other entrepreneurs are having inside this program

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Thanks to Gwen's help I turned over 6-figures in my first year, doubled that revenue in the second year and tripled it in the third.

- Sonal
Founder, Cotswolds

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Two months into working with Gwen I secured £10,000 in sales, and a week later I repeated the same thing and secured another £6,000 fee.

Joanne, Small Business Owner, Surrey

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I've been having trouble having enough confidence and clarity to go forward on a consistent basis. But now the first part of my manifestation has happened.

MC, Music Producer, LA

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Things are flowing together. It feels like blocks are being removed at just the right times, and I'm able to get into the spaces I've imagined.

Laura, Consultant, Illinois




Beat perfectionism, overwhelm, procrastination.

6-week science-backed program to get out of your head and into inspired action every day.

Jump the queue. Be one of the first notified when doors open:

Why I Do It

After overcoming my own challenges with perfectionism, overwhelm and procrastination, I realised the strategies I used could help others facing similar issues.

Wanting to be 'perfect' is something we pick up as children.

But this mindset doesn't support success as it slows you down. Perfectionism keeps you stuck and holds you back from manifesting anything, especially your dream life!

And yes, this process can bring up deep patterns. that's why I've included direct access to me so I can hold you accountable.

Talk soon,

xx Gwen

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